Wednesday, 17 June 2020

the stargates have re-opened as we return to karmic equilibrium...

Comrade Boffins,

It seems the Chinese Communist Party has got a bit antsy with Canberra lately, after ScoMo's knee-jerk backing of The Donald's demand for an independent international inquiry into the source and spread of the China Virus. Gone very quiet on that one now, haven't they? Not satisfied with cocking their snoots at our barley for their beer, it seems the Commies have gone in below the belt now, telling their citizens and students with give the Wide Brown Land a wide berth on account of the high risk of being attacked by seething mobs of rabid racists. Confucius say "it's not just the blacks, you know, mate". And these people are well used to being told what to do. Chinese tourists accounted for about a quarter of all visitors to the Land Down under back in the glory days of 2019 spending roughly $12B. Two hundred and sixty thousand (260,000) Chinese students used to be scattered about in various Ivory Towers on the Big Island every year, again generating revenue of about $12B. Without them a clutch of heavily exposed universities and the Great Barrier Reef will go broke. In simple terms, $24B is a lot of lazy cash, with another Great Depression looming. Don't they know down Canberra way it's the Mighty Yuan and not the Honky Dollar that does the talkin' from now on? Joisus. Didn't think that one through and got all muddled in the brain department in the midst in a global pandemic, didn't they? And because of these political amateurs running the show, there's now no furious backpedalling option left, because whenever DFAT gives Peking a ring, they won't even pick up the phone. That's really clever Foreign Affairs. I'm looking at you Marise. You should get out more, instead of poking the bear.

There seems to be a general consensus that The Corona turned up in a bushmeat market in good ol' down town Wuhan and a blood-sucking bat was probably to blame somewhere along the food chain. Bats have always had a bad press, so that's very convenient. But the Trumpotus White House believes that's just obfuscating hocus-pocus, and in all seriousness, The Covid was developed out of thin air in a sinister plot in some Frankenstein style laboratory, and then very quickly weaponised. Others have suggested it was merely the bloke who ate that armadillo he found somewhere in Hubei province that kicked things off. Or was it that freak who was caught fooling around with a pangolin and was sent off for re-education? It's even been floated that Patient Zero is that dude who fucked-that-goat in Mexico, but that theory has now been widely discredited.

No. It's none of those. Here's the most conclusive proof yet that 5G is without a shadow of a doubt the cause of The Covid spreading willy-nilly around the globe and killing more people than you've had hot dinners.  It's just like the well established undisputed fact that the houses are communicating with each other through AM radio waves while you and me are oblivious. No inquiry required. Simple. You know it makes sense...the stargates have re-opened as we return to karmic equilibrium...

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

what would Jesus do?


What would Jesus do?

Why of course he'd gas a bunch of dudes standing around holding placards, light 'em up with exploding chalk pellets and spray 'em with rubber bullets to clear a path for the Secret Service - who by this stage are freaking right out of their minds big time running around like chooks with heads cut off screaming "what the fuck does the Mad Muthafukka think he's doing now?" - so the Trumpotus can go steal a copy of the Holy Book and wave it around for the camera's in front of the 'Church of The Presidents', which has all the stained glass windows boarded up. The Donald then throws himself upon the mercy of The Lord, repenting his multitude of evil sins, so he can be graciously granted the ever-lasting eternal life of a martyr. Never mind the horror, what a fantastic, magnificent, hugely awesome photo op! A photo op like you've never seen before! In history. A God Fearing Commander-of-Nothing proudly on display, lined up with his Cronies-in-Chief, is just what the world needs now. Hooly Dooly! What crazy bat-shit is this? Having now, after three and a half years as Leader of the Free World, finally and beyond reasonable doubt reached The Mad Emperor stage, what next? Dropping the Big One? The nuclear solution?

At the risk of being labelled a pretentious up-himself know-all, when I came out of the hospital I had a prescient book waiting for me to read that I'd ordered in on the basis of trying to get some historical handle on the "interesting times" in which we live - and this before the plague and pestilence settled on the globe and the USA fractured down centuries old fault lines to find itself a once powerful nation now 'very weak' and spiralling in an out-of-control free fall to 'third world' status.

The hefty tome in question? Mark Kurlansky, 1968 - The Year That Rocked the World, (Random House, New York, 2005), 437pp.

Sure as hell some wild, weird and crazy shit went down that year - the Tet Offensive (25 thousand American casualties), the Prague Spring ends in a Soviet invasion, New York explodes in race riots in May and there's Bloody Monday in Paris, student protest movement in Poland brutally crushed, Martin Luther King Jnr takes a bullet, Bobby Kennedy gets shot up ans shot out of the US Election campaign, Chicago riots savagely repressed, Black Panthers at the Mexico City Olympics, Nixon wins the White House etc etc etc. And we think the current political difficulties are unprecedented? Think again. History repeats. Even at the tender age of 12, I remember '68 well, and it turned me into a committed Trot age 13-15. As everyone knows, I am now a nice well-mannered reformed Pinko watching the globe spinning on it's way to mayhem and catastrophe, while waiting for the New Great Depression to show up, which it surely will when we arrive at "the cliff" in September. What joy awaits. My current read? Studs Terkel, Hard Times - An Oral History of the Great Depression, (The New Press, New York, 2005 - 1st published 1970), 462 pp.

You'd have to fear for the Miracle of Democracy in the current climate. Despots the world over are using the plague as a pretence to crack down hard on dissent - just take a look at Honkers, Brazil and other joints folks have hardly ever heard's a global phenomenon. Traditional election campaigning in the US has been killed stone dead by the plague, and in any case Democrats traditionally do poorly at the polls after race riots. Republicans are much better voters anyway; they turn out in droves at the ballot box, while the Dems for some reason always have trouble turning out the vote - never mind rampant voter suppression, disenfranchisement and outrageous wholesale gerrymandering against them. None of that really matters in the denouement. If the Presidential election result is close - and it will be - in favour of Uncle Joe, there is no way DJ Trump! will just graciously concede defeat. Why would he, when his entire agenda fully revolves around a single issue - his own self promotion and agrrandisment? Losing to him is worse than death, much worse. The Donald will claim voter fraud, vote rigging, ballot stuffing, he'll say millions of illegal immigrants somehow voted, dead people voted, federal felons and innocent black people voted, aliens in flying saucers were involved in making great bundles of ballot papers disappear and the illegal mail-in conspiracy was especially designed to engineer his fraudulent defeat. The Trumpotus will simply refuse to accept the result, stay put in the White House, shut down Congress with the stroke of a pen, and get the Supreme Court to confirm him as the Tyrant-in-Chief. We aint seen nothing yet. That'll be no ordinary Constitutional Crisis, its the template for Civil War Mk II, right there. Mr Ping of China and Vlad The Impaler of the Kremlin are having a quiet chuckle, knowing they need do nothing other than just watch the show, while quietly working out who gets the spoils of the New Word Order. So, the Donald worries the Commies might win? Well, sorry to tell you, son, but they already have.