Comrade Boffins,
It seems the Chinese
Communist Party has got a bit antsy with Canberra lately, after ScoMo's
knee-jerk backing of The Donald's demand for an independent
international inquiry into the source and spread of the China Virus. Gone very quiet on that one now, haven't they? Not
satisfied with cocking their snoots at our barley for their
beer, it seems the Commies have gone in below the belt now,
telling their citizens and students with give the Wide Brown
Land a wide berth on account of the high risk of being attacked by
seething mobs of rabid racists. Confucius say "it's not just the
blacks, you know, mate". And these people are well used to being
told what to do. Chinese tourists accounted for about a quarter
of all visitors to the Land Down under back in the glory days of
2019 spending roughly $12B. Two hundred and sixty thousand
(260,000) Chinese students used to be scattered about in various
Ivory Towers on the Big Island every year, again generating
revenue of about $12B. Without them a clutch of heavily exposed
universities and the Great Barrier Reef will go broke. In simple
terms, $24B is a lot of lazy cash, with another Great Depression
looming. Don't they know
down Canberra way it's the Mighty Yuan and not the Honky
Dollar that does the talkin' from now on? Joisus. Didn't think
that one through and got all muddled in the brain department in
the midst in a global pandemic, didn't they? And because of
these political amateurs running the show, there's now no
furious backpedalling option left, because whenever DFAT gives
Peking a ring, they won't even pick up the phone. That's really
clever Foreign Affairs. I'm looking at you Marise. You should
get out more, instead of poking the bear.
There seems to be a
general consensus that The Corona turned up in a bushmeat market
in good ol' down town Wuhan and a blood-sucking bat was probably
to blame somewhere along the food chain. Bats have always had a
bad press, so that's very convenient. But the Trumpotus White
House believes that's just obfuscating hocus-pocus, and in all
seriousness, The Covid was developed out of thin air in a
sinister plot in some Frankenstein style laboratory, and then
very quickly weaponised. Others have suggested it was merely the
bloke who ate that armadillo he found somewhere in Hubei province
that kicked things off. Or was it that freak who was caught
fooling around with a pangolin and was sent off for re-education?
It's even been floated that Patient Zero is that dude who
fucked-that-goat in Mexico, but that theory has now been widely
No. It's none of those. Here's the most conclusive proof yet that 5G is without a shadow of a doubt the cause of The Covid spreading willy-nilly around the globe and killing more people than you've had hot dinners. It's just like the well established undisputed fact that the houses are communicating with each other through AM radio waves while you and me are oblivious. No inquiry required. Simple. You know it makes sense...the stargates have re-opened as we return to karmic equilibrium...