Monday, 31 May 2021

Uncle Purple



Everyone knows that Uncle Joe is a fond of an ice cream cone or two...but dressed like James Brown in a Ralph Lauren purple suit & tie, with aviator glasses? The POTUS?

Never once did anyone see a photograph DJ Trump! eating in public, because he well knew that would disgust people and frighten small children.

and now the Indy 500 has been run and won, and while it took a while to catch up with this one, the Great Orange Being still struggles for relevance, not that he's ever had any...



Little wonder DJ Trump's internet-thingy apparatchiks closed the above bloggy-blog-blog - for good. Never to be seen again.

Friday, 14 May 2021

in the Great State of Delaware


Comrade Cartographers,

All reports on the Miracle of Democracy suggest the Pinko's are working overtime to carve out the 51st United State from the District of Colombia and snare a priceless pair of Senators. As it stands, as far as gerrymanders go, it's outrageous that Washington DC's only presence in Washington is a single, non-voting, member of the US House of Representatives. That puts the overwhelmingly black and Democratic city and surrounds of 700,000 folks on a par with American Samoa. And it's that House that historically admits new States, with the approval of the Senate. Good luck with that one.

There's also been renewed interest in the otherwise forgettable Great State of Delaware since Uncle Joe was elected to the Presidency, among the common queries being "why the fuck is Delaware a state anyway?", given that it is a second smallest state in the union after Rhode Island by land area. Never mind the very poor standard of surveying or the "12 Mile Circle" or "The Wedge"...

 ...who knew there has been a long-standing movement to seize the entire Delaware peninsular, known as Delmarva (marked in black outline), which was so rudely stolen by Maryland and Virginia....but it looks like the Muskrats would have their hands full driving the Craw Trumpeters and Tar Heels off their lands...