Monday, 8 November 2021

One Beach Plastic


Ecological art critic comrades,

Getting away from the ghastly weather at the 26th Conference on Pollution in Glasgow for the moment; do rather like this shit created from found objects on only one of the many beaches of Point Reyes National Seashore, just north of San Francisco, by beachcomber artists Richard and Judith Selby...never mind Net Zero, plastic rules the universe....



and, as you'd expect, there are hundreds more...


make a run for it


Little Rocket Boy Comrades,

What with the 26th Conference on Pollution going on in beautiful downtown Glasgow in bid to prevent the Earth from becoming fully cooked, a single microscopic virus causing untold death and economic destruction across the globe in the first pestilence of the 21st century, and optimistic talk from the young folks of a Brave New World on the's so easy to forget that other problem that could wipe out suffering humanity in the blink of an eye - just two words - Nuclear Fucking Weapons.

I'm seeing that the hawks in the Pentagon haven't had many wins lately, so they're not about to let The Bomb get away from them, not with a suspected pacifist in the Oval Office. Oh, no siree. As it's ever been, never signal yr intentions appears to be the call...

Since my birthday back in August, I've been looking up the year 1957, and hot damn, it was a busy one out there in Nevada...Operation Plumbbob. You can just imagine how they would have had enormous fun letting off no less than 29 Big Ones (including two squibs) in little more than four months, sometimes blowing up two on the same day. Holy Bejsus! How on earth did they manage to get away with it? Cowboys scampering around the desert with an unlimited budget letting loose some very expensive fireworks indeed. These days they'd call it "not very good optics", but, oh, what a mighty time...

Just a couple of sensational highlights here...

And check the vid here at 17'58"-18'08"..and all holy sheeet at the hypocentre at 18'02, with a 2KT exploding fireball 18,500 feet overhead. Oh My Lordie lordie me...what were they thinking??

If that's not enough to scare the shit clean out of you, little wonder then, if you were living in the state of Washington for example, that you'd want a fully kitted out six-man converted septic tank in the back yard to roll around in, just in case you see the Big Flash and a mushroom cloud on the horizon and decide to make a run for it.