After the unbelievable Roe v Wade ruling by the US Supreme Court, followed the stripping of environmental powers from the President, and upholding the "right" to pull a gun on some innocent dude in New York City and get away with it if yr White; if yr Black you better stay well back, and any number of other erosion's of the Miracle of Democracy, it's pleasing to note that since the "Menhennitt Judgement" of 1967 the legal principles of the abortion question have been decided, finished & settled in Straya, even if the states were very slow to put anything of their own in the statute books, with South Australia shamefully only making abortion "legal" in 2021. What would Justin do? Fundamentalist Godbotherer's have a lot to answer for and the poor ol' States still have the mark of the Orange Being branded on them with a hot iron. God Save America. And yet all of this defies all common sense that the law has no place in a woman's uterus.
Seen in Hollywood, California last week...