Sunday, 16 April 2017

Choice, eh bru?

Professional freeloaders,

It seems David Johnston, former Defence Minister in the Abbott Govt...noted only for his line "I wouldn't trust the Australian Submarine Corporation to build a canoe" set to become the Australia's next Consul-General to Hong Kong and Macau, in return for all the enormous sacrifices he has made in his grand service to his country.
Now, If that isn't the cushiest fully taxpayer-funded "job" in the entire fuckin' world, what is?
All you have to do is host cocktail parties.
And course His Excellency the Consul-General would have to have a suitably impressive residence, wouldn't he?
And, guess what?
He does.
39 Island Road, Deepwater Bay, Hong Kong.
Similar properties nearby are going for about $A50 million.
Choice, eh bru?

(Originally published 12-02-16)

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