Saturday, 29 April 2017

'Oh, I could have a glass of port', NSW Health reports.

Social drinkers,

Pleasing to see the old folk are still getting on it!

Did like the quote from one the Aqua Ladies "When it's been really cold, I've found myself thinking, 'Oh, I could have a glass of port'".

I have read Montaigne's Of Drunkeness.
While Un Grand Philosophe finds drunkeness and drunkards in all their forms appalling and abhorrent and agrees with Plato that wine should not be served to children under 18 and drunkeness should be strictly prohibited among those under 40, he also says the undeniable pleasures of alcohol should never be denied to the old:

"The discomforts of old age, which need some support and refreshment, might reasonably make me wish to be a better drinker; for drinking is almost the last pleasure that the years steal from us...we should refuse no chance to drink and have this desire always in our disposition is not to set store by drinking except after eating; and for that reason my last drink is almost always the biggest."

You know it makes sense.

(originally published 22-07-16)

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