Monday, 17 April 2017

"thanks for paying for my house, loser"

Coming home from the shops yesterday, I counted at least 6 abandoned houses in Vicliffe St, and some of those were even former povo houses!
All negatively geared to fuck, no doubt.
As I said, the joint is a squatters paradise.
So, did like this article nicely headlined as "thanks for paying for my house, loser".
This is why you can't buy Sydney real estate, you should be pissed off about it, and you should start squatting in it.
Y'know - possession is nine tenths of the law:

On a lighter note, I was looking for a stock photograph the other day that encapsulates the Millenial generation.
This is the first one that came up in Google Images:

(Originally published 10/05/16)

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