Monday, 24 April 2017

two American's in the Paris of The East


Guessing if I was a lame-duck president, but still the Leader of the Free World and found myself at a loose-end, I too, would be sucking on a foaming frostie in Hanoi.
But don't like the Nobel Laureate's choice of lunch partner to celebrate the end of the arms emarbgo with.
Anthony Bourdain is a right know-it-all punce.
Still, Obama does well to try hard to be a local, but doesn't look anything like Uncle Ho:

The caption for the photo of the deftly placed chopsticks for the camera should probably read.
"Fuckin' hot here in 'Nam during the build-up; beers good tho', eh Bordy?"
"Too right Obes, and the Secret Service tells me it's their worst nightmare. What the fuck?"

(originally published 25-05-16)

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