Sunday, 21 May 2017

DJ Trump! and Three Sticks


DJ Trump! hops on Air Force One to have his first look-see at the Brave New World, first stop Saudi Arabia.
At least they have palaces and gold leaf down to a fine art.
The Donald will enjoy that.
And what comes out of his summit with these particular Right Royal Oppressive arms deal!
Truck loads of American shooters, at "special price for you!"
Isn't that beautiful?
Next stop, solving, for once and for all, the MIddle East Peace Question.
That's great!

I note that the bloke who was the ghost writer on the DJ Trump! masterpeice (I've read it and it's one of the best manifesto's going) The Art of the Deal, Tony Schwartz, reckons that the Trumpotus will resign before he is impeached, Nixon-style.

And he thinks it'll be inside six months, and it will be The Donald's greatest victory, ever, because he'll be able to say "I told you so. Didn't I? On the Campaign? I told you that the Washington swamp would be out to get me from day one, but now they can't because I'm moving back to New York where everybody loves me and respects me. The political elite tried the greatest stitch-up job on me in the history of humans, well, at least since Jesus, and look at them, they utterly and completely failed. Total Losers".
Never had a lot of time for Waleed Aly, too wrapped up in his own self-percieved importance, for mine - I couldn't listen to his show on Radio National as he sounded too much like a legal academic, which he is, by profession - but this isn't bad:

Do like "Bobby Three Sticks" being named as special counsel into those damned Ruskies; does that mean he uses three fingers when he shafts someone up the arse?
Don't think this bloke will be caught foolin' around and trash talkin'.
Let alone around the White House.

(originally published 21-05-17)

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