Monday 15 May 2017

how The Donald learned to love The Bomb

Fellow Drinkers for Disarmament,

Bit late to the news, but noted over the weekend that The Donald has learned how to love The Bomb.
He's only fulfilling a campaign promise "It would be fanatastic if there was a world without nukes, but if we're gonna have 'em, we're going to have the biggest, most beautiful, and the best nukes that there are. We'll be on top of the nuclear heap, baby! That's great, isn't it? Beautiful. Yr gonna love it!".
Of course The Leader of the Free World will be mortified when he eventually finds out the real stupendous cost involved.
Nukes don't come cheap, DJ.
And a red rag to a bull for the likes of the second craziest leader in the world, Kim Jong-un, is neither here nor there, it seems.

Little does The Donald know that Congress under the Obama Admistration has already approved a one TRILLION US dollar expenditure on completely updating America's missile deployment systems and retiring nuclear warheads that are past their use by dates, and building new ones to replace them.
It's when the Trumpotus starts fiddling with the unspoken "no first strike" policy that you start worrying.
The Donald probably also doesn't know that all of America's nuclear weapons are now dial-up or dial-down Bombs.
At the push of a few buttons and the twiddle of a dial, bomber pilots and missile launchers can now dial-down a single warhead to a few kilotons to wipe out a small army or city - a "tactical nuclear weapon" - or dial-up into the megaton zone with the same warhead for a really really really BIG bahoompha!
The wonders of modern technology.
Keep yr head down, only looking up from time to time to check for mushroom clouds on the horizon.

(originally published 27-02-17)

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