Saturday 13 May 2017

it'll all end up in the courts

Read a long story the other day about a professional American muck-raker who is as mad as hell and is not going to take it anymore, David Brock.
He has raised about $US38M and hired 100+ top shelf litigation lawyers between last November and now, "to tie up President Trump in as many legal knots as possible".
This is the dude:

Immigration ban faces more legal challenges

"San Francisco became the first US city to sue to challenge a Trump directive to withhold federal money from US cities that have adopted sanctuary policies toward undocumented immigrants, which local officials argue help local police by making those immigrants more willing to report crimes.

"Massachusetts joined the legal battle against Trump's order banning travel into the United States by citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, a move the White House described as necessary to improve national security. A lawsuit contends that the order violated the US Constitution's guarantees of religious freedom.

"The legal maneuvers were the latest acts of defiance against executive orders signed by Trump last week that sparked a wave of protests in major US cities, where thousands of people decried the new president's actions as discriminatory."

(originally published 01-02-17)

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