Saturday 13 May 2017

...just beautiful


This has to be the last word, doesn't it?
This is gonna be inn-sane, absolootlee reee-dick-you-louse!
Never mind the freaks from those seven Muslim Islamic Terrorist countries - bureaucratic nightmare - you gotta love the fantastic idea The President Donald has come up with as a way for those total scumbag Mexicans to pay for the big, beautiful, wall.
A 20% sales tax on all imported Mexican goods.
All of them.
That's huge!
There goes the chipotle!
Total Losers.
Great Americans will refuse to buy Mexican goods [including a massive shit-load of beer and America currently drinks north of 80% of Mexico's tequila] on principle and it's now way too expensive anyway even if they wanted to = no sales tax collected = no money to pay for the wall = arse falls out of Mexican peso = Mexican economy lies in ruins = tremendous smuggling operation = millions of hungry economic refugees in a mass exodus north = American defensive positions easily over-run by the seething hordes of freeloading Barbarians, who suffer appalling unprecedented casualties.
Why didn't I think of that?
The New World Order; you're gonna love it, love it, it'll be great, it's true.'s a photograph [it's real, no fake, no photo-shop, no, no] of a part of the USA/Mexico border down in the Big Bend of the Great State of Texas...seems like the wall's already been built while no-one was watching.
Isn't it fantastic, beautiful...just beautiful?

(originally published 29-01-17)

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