Tuesday, 30 May 2017

700,000 Frogs on pot...

Midnight tokers,

Even with us baby boomers in charge, the levers of power and the wheels of the Miracle of Democracy still move at a glacial pace.
Noted on the radio news this AM that only 25 GP's, principally in NSW, have applied for certificates to prescribe medicinal cannabis to individual patients, mainly the terminally ill.
What a really really stoopid system.
Change it, legislate for it.
Come on guys, get with the program, open up the damn doctor's script pads - trust them to "first, do no harm", for gawd's sake.
The Commonwealth Health Dept's deputy secretary in charge of drug regulation, adjunct Professor John Skerritt, says there are warehouses scattered all over Sydney full of the shit, but even if you are as crook as Rookwood, you still have to jump through flaming hoops to get at it.
And then at what cost? It certainly aint on the PBS. Pensioner discounts? When you can go down to your local chemist shop and get all the highly addictive opiates you like for a song at the stroke of any snake oil merchant's pen.
In the meantime, 700,000 Frogs on pot can't be wrong.
They'd need it for the chronic pain:


The French love measuring things, so I wonder what their annual domestic production of the hoochy-coochy is like, given the considerable black market and the fact that they have some ideal climes for it.
I remember casually plucking some choice little ripe heads off a few mature plants scattered around the herb garden of an ancient abbey in the Loire Valley that the GLW had first noticed, in full view of the knowing jardinier with winking eyes, in Sept '14; stuffed a pocket full and took them to Paris, gratuitement merci beaucoup.
God moves in mysterious ways.
Made it a lot easier to glide up and down those infernal Metro stairs on one good leg.

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