Saturday 20 May 2017

more wall than you can poke a stick at


Just by the by, reading in Time magazine this week that the biggest industry to employ immigrant workers in the USA is "private households".
45% of domestic servants are foreign workers, and they're only the documented ones.

In the meantime, never mind never getting the vote he expected in the House on all that terribly complicated health care nonsense, or rolling back "the war on coal" with the stroke of a pen on an Executive Order, seems like the Trumpotus - DJ Trump! - is learning the hard way just how awfully difficult it is to "drain the swamp" and build a new one, damn it.

But, you've just gotta love the "big beautiful wall", don't you?
It's great.
30 feet high!
And crazy cheap only $US8.3M per mile.
Isn't that fantastic?
Do like how refugees are now described as "pedestrians":

Maybe the Mexicans should take a leaf out of the Palestinian's book?
Taught by experts.

(originally published 30-03-17)

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