Tuesday, 2 May 2017

"nightmare senate"


Thought at the time, said at the time, knew at the time, that the Rich Dude's call to do a Section 58 and go to the first double-dissolution election since Bob Hawke would be the biggest political blunder in living memory.
Designed to give the Coalition a tidy win in the House and clean the riff-raff out of the Senate, what do we get?
The Miracle of Democracy!
A one-seat Coalition majority in the House, the loss of three Liberal Senators, and a whopping 20 seat cross bench upstairs.
9 two-faced idiot-savant Green senators, 4 entirely demented One Nation senators, 3 Nick "The Mad Greek" Xenophon senators, the token Tasmanian lunatic senator Jacqui Lambie, a mentally-unstable washed-up former-alcoholic radio talk-back jock Derryn Hinch, the completely crazy "nanny state" dude David Leyonhjelm, and who has ever heard of the deranged Bob Day when he's at home?
Utterly ungovernable.
A Mexican stand-off between the Fascists and the Trotskyites in the Senate - what fun that will be!
Just like everywhere else in the democratic world, sensible centrist politics goes absolutely no where.
Lord, save us.

(originally published 05/08/16)

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