Sunday, 21 May 2017

the man in the Moon


I know it's all very simple, but can someone please tell me just what the fuck is going on on the Korean peninsular?
With a fair degree of sabre rattling going on, the final solution is apparently quite easy: DJ Trump! just pops a tactical nuke over to Pyongyang, and it's game over.
But really, you've got the "second craziest" leader in world in the North upholding the time-honoured family tradition of the fine art of exercisng real power through despotic autocracy without the need for any recourse to the Miracle of Democracy, whatsoever.
Works brilliantly, according to Fatboy Slim.
Has for decades.
Meantime down South, they haven't had a leader at all for months, until now.
Of course, after months of street protests, the corrupt-as-buggery former President was forced out of office for being "badly advised", and could end up doing jail time.
How very precient.
Now they've had an election, and a "former human rights lawyer" gets the nod, in Moon Jae-in.
Get to know his man.
Moon's policy platform, apart from the "given" of continued economic prosperity, seems to hinge on two planks "continuing rapprochement with the North" and "cozying up to China".
Everyone's had a go at it since 1953, and got precisely nowhere.
Good luck with that Moon Face.

(originally published 18-05-17)

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