Thursday 18 May 2017

the Miracle of Democracy working overtime - Western Australia and The Netherlands


Jeez, the Miracle of Democracy has been working overtime this week.
Always pleasing to see the Golden West turn Bright Pinko, with any number of Tories being swallowed up whole in a killer landslide and being reduced to a Parliamentary rump, with the nut-jobs at One Nation [now officially known as the Tea Party wing of the Liberal party] looking like a lead balloon.
Yet another example of "preference deals" turning into an exploding fireballs.
Just ask the seven, yep that's right, seven former cabinet ministers who have lost their seats; thrown out by the voters and cast adrift on the dole queue in a desultory fashion.
Did note in "Mr Boring Normal" Mark McGowan's victory speech, he said "I came here 27 years ago, drove my Corolla across the Nullabor, and now I've been elected premier!".
An out-of-towner [born in Newcastle, bred in rural NSW] made good...oh my, how the capitalist running dogs down at the Perth establishment will detest that with extreme passion.
Hate personified.
Commie interloper.
Meantime over in the flat lands, seems like the left and centre right have conspired to use their voting blocs to keep that crazed Muzzie-hating facsist with the wild mulletised hair, Guurty Veeeelders, out of power.
An 80%+ voter turn-out in the Netherlands is reportedly the biggest in at least three decades.
At least they care.
But with the Green Left Party now having the most seats on that side on the pendulum for the first time, PM Mark Rutte, will have one hell of a time cobbling together some kind of coalition.
Doubt the Dutch will have any sort of Government for months.
Never mind what the hopelessly politically conflicted French will do in May.
Utterly unpredictable, them Frogs, jumping all over the shop.

PS. Did rather like this photograph of the Rutte boy with a media scrum shaking hands with a mob of non-voters; retail politics at its finest:

(originally published 16-03-17)

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