Wednesday 10 May 2017

warming up for the Miracle of Democracy


As we breathlessly await the end of the world as we know it on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, as the good denizens of the Land of The Free and The Home of The Brave go to the polls to vote for a brand new POTUS, complete with baggage, we also have the Miracle of Democracy going on, right here, right now, in my own backyard.
While we won't exactly get the chance to choose the Leader of the Free World or who gets the foreign policy numbers to see if "sand glows in the dark" in the Canterbury by-election, it's going to be fun anyway.
Of only three candidates, Our Sophie Cotsis of the ALP will replace the great Linda Burney, who us local voters overwhelmingly decided to pack off to Canberra way back in July with the best of intentions and all power to her oars.
Pity the poor ol' conservative voters, what few of them there are in this staunchly pinko working class electorate.
With not a Tory in sight - the Libs sensibly deciding to save their money for another day - they only have a loopy tree-hugging un-reformed Trot and some Rev. Fred Nile patsy from the far-right religious lunatic fringe to choose from.
No middle ground.
They might as well not have nominated, then Soph would've been elected unopposed, saving everyone a lot of time, trouble and money
Expect a very low turn out [the fine for not voting is $55 - you get more than that for parking your car where you're not meant to], and a record informal vote:

PS. As the Apocalypse approaches, it might be worthwhile humming along to an All American classic...

(originally published 8-11-16)

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