Wednesday, 30 August 2017

the heat is on


The Miracle of Democracy is certainly hotting up here in the Canterbury-Bankstown local govt. election campaign.
The heat is on.
Thanks to the wacky Earlwood Environment League, we now have more of an idea of just who this Jennifer Azzi is.
Jenny, you'll remember, is heading up the three person ticket for Our Local Community [].
The EEL's have managed to get hold of her handwritten nomination form lodged with the NSW Electoral Commission [hey, you've got a leaker in there, guys!]
And an enlightening read it is too...

A high school teacher?
God save her students.
A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education degree awarded to someone who is more or less illiterate?
God save the whole goddamn edookation system.
Whatever happened to "Teacher's College"?
Jeez, Jen, who's foolin' who here?
What a strident, magnificent voice yours will be on council for the long suffering rate-payer.
Are you a stooge?
Surely this Our Local Community mob must be a front for One Nation, on the grounds of the utter dunder-headedness alone.
Labor is running an all female ticket headed by Clare Raffen on a predictably Pinko agenda of anti-over-development, stop privatisation of council services, save parks, gardens & sporting facilities from capitalist thieves, supporting our multicultural community et al.
Nothing unusual there, and of course, all very worthy.
The Liberals and the Greens tickets are yet to be heard from, not a hide nor hair seen of them at this stage, so only the Gypsy knows what they'll be on about...and the election is ten days away.
It's clear they are spending no money on the :"campaign", perhaps they're in this only as token runners, now knowing there are no dark horses in the race.
Why bother really, when in a rock solid working-class district, Labor will always have a majority on council?
Seem to remember an old saying that went along the lines of "people get the politicians they deserve".

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