Friday, 3 November 2017

got it all wrong as usual


Just a quick update - I said "why would I have any idea?" and so I got it all wrong as usual.
It's all come together in remarkably quick time for a place that moves at a glacial pace.
Boom, boom!
Here is Iceland's new Prime Minister, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, chairman of the Left-Greens who has managed to cobble together a four-party coalition with the Social Democrats, the Progressive Party and the Pirate Party to gain a one-seat majority in the Althing.

She is a mother of three young boys at 41, has widespread personal popular support, comes from a long line of prominent Icelandic academics, lawyers, politicians and poets, and holds a Master of Arts degree in Icelandic Literature - so she is the full bottle on The Sagas.
Katrin is also fluent in French and English.
After being in power for a very very long time...73 years in fact [apart from a recent four-year hiatus]...the centre-right Independence Party, has now been banished to the Opposition benches.

Just another example of the Miracle of Democracy handing over the reins of power to people in their late thirties and early forties, while us baby boomers look for hippie pot-head friendly Twilight Homes to contemplate our navels and our abject failure to lead the world in any sort of direction at all, as the planet slowly returns to primordial slime.

Despite claims to the contrary, there is hope for the future.
All power to her oars.

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