Monday, 7 May 2018

inspecting the natives...

I note that President Macron didn't say désolé or regrettant let alone chagriné at Ouvéa.
He just had a bit of a poke around under heavy security, had a quick lookie at the graves, laid a wreath or two, and planted a coconut tree.
Thought it was a bit cheeky of him to bring along the original of the 1853 document annexing New Cal to France to be lodged in the White Man's Museum in Noumea.
"The gesture was supposed to symbolise the final chapter in the period of colonisation", even though Macron, while professing no particular view on whether people should vote "Yes or "No' in the indepedence referendum, then went on to say "France would not be the same without Nouvelle-Calédonie".

In any case, this picture of him on Ouvéa makes him look like some kind of Gallic version of King Charles the Turd inspecting the natives...

Photo: AFP.

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