Monday, 4 March 2019

a picture's worth a thousand words


I was just lounging here and wondering how on earth I was going to write a lazy thousand words on the 'sudden' impending retirement of the Chief Clown of the House of Representatives, the Hon. Christopher Pyne, back to the Rustbelt where he belongs, and decided that it was no use.

What is there to say about the fully-qualified Master of the Dark Arts, court jester & fool, ratfucker, crafty numbers man, bald-faced liar, shifty snake, treacherous leaking toad - the most ridiculous Defence Minister the country has ever seen - and all-round world-class all-singing all-dancing freak show?

After 26 years in the Halls of Power, the good burghers of Sturt who in the spirit of the Miracle of Democracy, elected him time and time and time and time again will be sad to see him go, and there will no doubt be some MP's who will miss his absurd antics; DJ Albo for one. But what else is there to say? Eh, Christopher?

On interview after he leaked word of his departure to the meejah, he started off with the blatant howler "I am not retiring because I don't want to go back to Opposition" [displaying total confidence in ScoMo to pull rabbits out of hats and win the next election], then his throw-away-line about that little contretemps with Honest John "I was frozen out for a bit...I did learn a lot in ten years on the backbench". Whiney Pyney then went on to conclude "you can't always get what you want in politics...I am happy that I rose to No.5 in Government". Is that all you can say for yourself, Christopher? Is that all you've got? After all these years? Nothing else? Is he trying to con us into believing he's some kind of try-hard? What? From the man who will forever be known as "The Fixer"?

I've had enough, and I know that I would've bored you lot shitless with tales of his low-down dirty-shakin', and then I remembered that they say a picture's worth a thousand words. So I stole some of the negatives. Enjoy.

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