Friday, 17 May 2019

"a simple, but elegant solution to Australia's political difficulties"


With RJL Hawke gone, and the outcome of the Campaign now a fait accompli ["one for the true believers"] there's not much point at this late stage in contributing any further to the felling of acres of old-growth forest that have been rolled into newsprint to cover the hostilities.

As my dear departed dyed-in-the-wool Tory father always used to say before going to the polls on Election Day "I'm just going down to strike my blow for freedom". And so should you...

As that Commanding General of the Campaign Trail, the Great Silver Bodgie once said "you'd be out of your cotton-pickin' mind if you don't vote Labor" - to the barricades, Comrades. The enemy are at the gates!

Vote early, Vote often.

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