The Americans have
never got irony. So the sweet irony of DJ Trump! pardoning a
turkey due to get necked for Thanksgiving has been lost on them.
Turkey saves turkey - LOL! - I get it. Try as I might to try and
find some irony trawling through the Fake Media, there is none.
The closest they came was the
Reuters news agency quoting The Donald wishing the bird
named Corn "a long, happy and memorable life" (a turkey gets to
have a memorable life?) and then adding in the next par: "Thanksgiving
turkeys are bred for slaughter, and most of those receiving a
Presidential pardon die within a few months."
I'm no mathematician or
psephologist, but I'm guessing that maybe 20% at most of those 50%
who voted Republican are hard core believers in the Cult of
Trump - the ones who tote guns, fly Confederate flags and are
suckers for any kind of MAGA merch. So maybe only 10% of the
electorate as a whole are in fact Clinton's "deplorables".
That's hardly enough of a base from which to mount a national
insurrection, even if they're all heavily armed in a country
seething with dichotomy and riven by partisan division. Twitter has abandoned them,
so what do they do? They transport themselves through the ether
to another "free speech" platform known as Parler, which in
reality is a gigantic echo chamber talking to four
one else will hear them from a minor player in the Soshul Meejah
landscape dominated by a duopoly. The Trumpotus manipulated the Fake Media very well
into taking him seriously on the time honoured principal of "all
publicity is good publicity". But now that nobody takes the
Lame Duck seriously as he has lost all the very considerable
power and authority of Oval Office, my confident prediction is
that not only will he fade from view, he'll disappear up his own
arsehole - only coming out from time to time to appear in a
court of law as a defendant. There are dire predictions he'll set up a TV channel with Real News and that
Trumpism will dominate American politics for years to come. What
rot. The bloke is worse than broke for a start off. Granted, the Donald is much a better showman than Sarah
Palin ever will be, but now that the DJ is no longer the Master
of Ceremonies and has quickly become a withdrawn, depressed
shell of his former self who'll now be persecuted by all and
sundry, the extent of his influence will go the way of the Tea
Party. Nowheresville. He's not conceded defeat, and never will, because he
doesn't know how to, but he knows deep down that he's a loser,
and that's worse. Infinitely worse. It's no secret that Uncle Joe
rigged the Electoral College the best this time, but who could
have predicted an exact flip on four years ago? What's the
chances? It's remarkable that Trump won the college back in '16
by 302 to 232, and Uncle Joe won it this time around - you
guessed it - 302 to 232. Just pity poor ol' Joe for accepting
the poisoned chalice in a plague infested country hurtling headlong toward
a prolonged economic depression - but more on that once he's been
For the moment, consider the contrast
between The Donald's bizarre appearance on election night with
its bluster and fluster about "this is the greatest fraud ever
committed against this country!" and " we will go the the
Supreme Court!" to the one minute - that's right - 60
seconds of prepared remarks at the time-honoured 73rd
turkey pardoning. This from a man who could gibber off the cuff
for an hour and a half in a press conference to a recluse who
can now barely speak at all. Little wonder he's spending all his
weekend's on the golf course (described by the Secret Service as
his "safe place") to get away from the shitting Christmas
decorations at the White House that his soon-to-be ex-wife hates with an
absolute passion.
Never mind that the
GOP is still controlled for the moment by fascist
apparatchiks intent on wrecking democratic institutions
which should now be classed as an extremist organisation.
Worry not about his weak-as-gnat's-piss enablers trembling in fear - fancy going to an election with no
party platform whatsoever, other than "we're sweet with
whatever this guy thinks". For the moment, wiser
heads have prevailed, and the Miracle of Democracy has
triumphed once again. But as my dear departed father was
fond of saying "the price of freedom is eternal vigilence".
So perhaps it's best to leave it with a final word on the turkey - without doubt the very worst all the eating birds. In the 1941 "Holiday Edition" of the American magazine Gourmet, the wine writer Peter Greig fearlessly weighed in with some tips on festive imbibing, including what libations to serve with that Thanksgiving bird: "A pretty unattractive meat at the best of times, so often dry and tasteless, turkey calls aloud for a rich red Burgundy or Rhone wine to instill warmth and flavor into the proceedings".
And doesn't everyone need some more of that?