President Trump authorized his government to begin the transition to President-elect Joe Biden’s administration.

Monday, November 23, 2020 6:32 PM EST

Emily Murphy, the administrator of the General Services Administration, on Monday formally designated President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the apparent winner of the presidential election, providing federal funds and resources to begin a transition and authorizing his advisers to begin coordinating with Trump administration officials.

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So, after 21 days, DJ Trump! has finally admitted - although never conceding (and never will) - defeat. The Miracle of Democracy does, in the final paralysis, come down to a race - and there's a scoreboard. But of course, not being a sports aficionado (golf doesn't count - he cheats - regularly) he would not be familiar with the phrase "the scoreboard never lies".  Which got me to thinking, I wonder if the soon to be former Leader of the Free World, can spell the word L-O-S-E-R, given that it has been the favoured phrase of the Trumpotus when referring to his friends, supporters, enemies, and those who have just hated his guts, plain and simple, over the past four years? If running around in circles like a Thanksgiving turkey chasing his own tail for three weeks is not enough evidence alone that the man is far too stupid to be an authoritarian, then what is? The biggest fear, tho', is that his enablers still control the Grand Old Party, which surely must now be considered an extremist far right organisation.