Friday, 3 December 2021

hypocrisy sticks


 Photo: Mick Tsikas/AAP


It's quite interesting that in the same week the man with the most important job in Australia, Tim Paine, is found guilty as charged of sending a dick pic, any dick will do, (it has been pointed out to me that some of the more elderly followers of the game would have no idea what the phrase "dick pic" means straight off the bat), the man with the second most important job in Australia, Scott Morrison, is rightly accused of engaging in dog whistling and his double speak is exposed, left, right and centre. Why should we conflate the two? Both cases could and should be viewed through the crystalline prism of honesty and trustworthiness, for sure, but everything seems to be about up little messes and putting out spotfires, when the truly ingrained, rusted-on problems in their spheres of influence remain unresolved, and nothing ever gets done. No one is being thrown under a bus here. Both of these characters - in the now famous last words of Big Bad Bonking Bozo Boris Johnson - have "driven the car into the ditch" of their own accord. (HM The Queen feeling a bit poorly is about as fast as the British news travels to the Antipodes these days anyway, since the discontinuation of the telegraph, so it's no surprise most folks here also have no idea Bonkers has also found himself in about 50 shades of shit and in more trouble than the early settlers politically in the space of just a few weeks).

It's also a glaring irony that ScoMo should finally be done in by one of his own in that pesky parliamentarian from Tassie, Bridgett Archer. The cheek of her seconding the motion and crossing the floor to bring on the corruption debate. It's no skin off her nose - electorally good for her in a very marginal seat - and if reports be true she wasn't about to have a 'pastoral care' meeting with the PM when summoned to the Prime Ministerial office after the vote, a free and frank exchange of views probably finished with 'now look mate, I know what I've done, you know why I crossed the floor, now fuck off. Give me a ring tomorrow, if you want". Never mind ScoMo's complete inability to keep his own party together in a phalanx-style formation onward Christian soldiers-style just at a time when strict solidarity is essential for electoral success, as they say in the PR trade - the optics don't look good, don't look good at all. Among the worst of Scotty's high-handed arrogances was on full display when he viciously attacked the NSW ICAC. Using phrases like "being done over" by the corruption watchdog who's behaviour was as "utter disgrace" in the Ruby Princess Imbroglio is in itself an utter disgrace. To thunder in the Parliament "there won't be a Kangaroo Court on my watch!", besides missing the point entirely, screams "well, what have you and your mates got to hide then, buddy? We won't mention Christian Porter, shall we?". Of course a standing Independent Commission is a "Kangaroo Court" by definition (and a Star Chamber to boot) where the rules of evidence do not apply on purpose; it's designed that way for a reason if you didn't know Scotty, and it has the very wide ranging and draconian powers of a Royal Commission. Same diff. It's the only way to make any dint at all in endemic, entrenched State corruption. But ScoMo has never been a fan of the Royal Commissions Act (1902); had to be dragged kicking and screaming to get one up into the suicides of former military personnel which ironically began public hearings last week, vowing to get to the bottom of how these people died slipping through the cracks. Never was a fancier of the Banking Royal Commission, either, was ScoMo, baulking and weaving anytime it might have been under consideration knowing full well it would turn up literally millions of cases of unconscionable conduct by the robber barons who've always run the banks. Pentecostal capitalism at its finest. Porter can just scuttle away under a rock as his political usefulness went west a long time ago now, and Mike's Brother has the saddest job in Cabinet as the Minister for The Sick, so who can blame him for wanting out with a real risk of spending three years in Opposition? But the buck stops with the PM. Never mind cynically whistlin' the dog whisperer's tune to the hopelessly out-numbered anti-vaxxers, calling for the Govt. to get out of our lives when his Govt. has been in our faces for nigh on two years, or casually jollying the General Public along as if nothing is wrong and insisting everything is just luvy-duvy..."how good is this!', hypocrisy sticks. And if you want even more irony, fancy the two top pollies in the land dancing around a Xmas tree and playing peek-a-boo with each other while bountiful packaged gifts drip off them on the same day the "open secret" of the absolutely appalling and demonstrably disgusting behaviour (and its not just about you,Tudgey) that goes on in the Canberra Bubble was laid bare for all to see, well that's it. Right there. Nudge, nudge...say no more.

As far as the Paine affair goes, I'm sorry, but it just exposes the moral bankruptcy of Australian cricket yet again. The game's scruples and dignity have never had a good track record over the last couple of centuries, and its integrity or lack thereof has been the subject of a bad press not just for decades, but for generations...just as in The Miracle of Democracy...truly dreadful behaviour on and off the field and in the crowd has been par for the course for all of living memory; I could go on, but won'! The Poms aint in half trubble themselves over their Colonial Racist stereotype actually being true! It's all there in the transcript, in black & white. Good Lordy! If anyone is going to be called Names over the summer, its them. Loose the bears on the midgets and let the gaming begin!



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