Friday, 11 February 2022

disunity is death



Oh, how it keeps me awake at night imagining how terribly horrible it must be when everybody hates you, all the time. ScoMo'd be shitting bricks in his nightmares you'd expect, as his own mob fail to disown their free & frank personal character assassinations. Oh, dear. To have a cabinet that's leaking like a sieve is bad enough, but it must be obvious even to the disinterested bystander that there are many, many Tories who now equate Scott Morrison with electoral poison, but are powerless to do anything about it. It's has to be remembered that ScoMo fell into the Prime Ministership simply because Dick Dutton was deemed unelectable, so there's never been any shortage of snakes in the grass in the party room. Trash talking is to be expected, when the rats in the ranks realise they could be shifted off the Treasury benches or ushered out the back door without so much as a sausage come election time. Game's up, game's on.

You can rabbit on all you like about the ethics or otherwise of going public with private text messages, but let's face it, a "complete psycho" and a "horrible, horrible person" were far too good to pass up. Go Bush "Hypocrite & Liar" Barnaby has never been shy of calling a spade a spade, so, you'd expect the Inbred Tomato is fairly close to the mark (and the bone) in his Deputy PM assessments of the Hon. PM. Despite all the colourful language, the most important and damaging line from Barny the Ol' Love Apple was "I have never trusted him and I dislike how he earnestly re-arranges the truth to a lie." That's way more than just an "ouch!!" In The Miracle of Democracy, trust is pure rolled gold, and without it you are in Nowheresville at the ballot box. Voters are immune to double-speak, psycho-babble like "a different headspace", even low down dirty dealing, but once you lose the voter's trust, you're a dead man walking. Trust me on this. Apply the "would you buy a used car from this man" pub test on ScoMo, and see how you go.

Apart from the enormous difficulties thrown up by The's a litany really...lockdowns, lockouts, lockins, lockups...edgy, trigger-happy, unpredictable State Govt's, gin-soaked plans that were worse than a mad dog's breakfast, "it's not a race", no Pfizer jabs after putting all the eggs into a one basket, no RAT's etc etc etc et al...clusterfucks galore...folks with the vote might forgive all of that, but they still remember the cocktail umbrella's poolside in Hawaii while the East Coast became a burning hellscape, and just how dreadfully difficult it was to cut the jaunt short and come home for appearances sake. That's where the goofy dad joke look outlived its usefulness, right there. 19 Dec  2019. Can't see the ScoMo Bus rolling through joints like Cobargo any time soon on the campaign trail. And just like his Old Mate Trump, it goes without saying that Scotty has real trouble displaying any empathy beyond platitudes. No political capital in that. Zilch. Everybody knows apologising is simply not in the PM's repertoire - he prefers shared blame. He trotted it out yet again mid-week when he told the Parliament that as far as all the women who have been abused in the Canberra Bubble are concerned "I am sorry, we are sorry." There's that "we" again. Just couldn't resist it, could he?

The ALP must be laughing all the way to the ballot box, surely? Christ, they don't even need a Dirt Unit when a leaking Ministry and their various hangers-on are doing the filthy leg work for them. It's an electioneer's dream! On the face of it, all Labor has to do is run a simple hip-pocket campaign, and throw in just one effective scare campaign (privatise Medicare, to pay off the Pando debt, anyone?), and they're in by a country mile. The vintage disco platter spinner and Opposition Leader formerly known as DJ Albo becomes another Accidental Prime Minister, against all the odds of his non existent electability factor. Y'know, that annoying voice, and Jesus, Mary & Joseph - that face...but who's to cast nasturtiums on a good working class boy, a very clever man and fiercely determined Pinko, who has been for more than two decades, by far and away the best "Numbers Man" in the game. When you list your only hobby in Who's Who as "beating Tories", you get the idea of where he's coming from. And the king of the electoral totalisator reckons Labor has got 80 seats in the bag at a minimum, and that's more enough to govern, easily. No need to land any blows in the current sitting of Parliament, which wasted a whole week on a classic 'solution looking for problem' before it was "kicked into the long grass"

However, only a fool would be quick to write Mozza off just yet. It must be well remembered that he stormed home from nowhere last time out and won by the absolute narrowest of margins, and got himself a couple of complete and utter self-deluded lunatic wackjobs like  Christensen and Kelly elected to the House along with him, in what was described by the hard-right evangelical faction of the Liberal Party as a "divine miracle"; something Our Great & Glorious Leader confirmed on election night - saying he was saved by divine intervention and a notoriously unpredictable and fickle electorate. And he managed to come out on top even with that ugly rumour about an accidental and unauthorized bowel movement in Engadine swirling about the place (after watching this beloved Cronulla/Sutherland Sharks footy team get beat by Brisbane on the telly in the Grand Final of what was then a rebel rugby league comp run by Old Mate Rupe's News Corp for a single season back in '97).

That said, there is no truer adage in politics than "disunity is death" - just ask Malcolm Turnbull, Tony "Half-Term" Abbott, Julia Gillard, Red Kev Rudd and any number of other washed-up PM's who've been knifed in the back by their own people - they'll tell you.



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