What a week on the
Campaign Trail! One of the best ever. Next to no policy on
offer, with the meejah obsessed over two issues that have
absolutely no votes in them - foreign policy and sexy business.
Gawd Almighty. Oh, and scare campaigns. Don't get me wrong, I'm
an enormous fan of putting the frighteners on big blocs of
votes. Pensioners, ideally. But you really should put off
scaring the living bejesus out of people until the last week of
the Campaign. They've gone way too early here, for mine, and
it's all been pretty half-cocked anyway. Not much traction going
on. Not even stopping the boats is garnering much attention
anymore. Not when we're crying out for people to come here! No
one seems to realise the Tories have given us a bad name
"overseas". They know what's happened here in the last two
years, and they're not keen on it. Of much more import is the
Kid President of France winning re-election to a second five
year term, with the far right's Le Pen now a washed up spent
force. Macron could always rely on the Commo's to get his arse
comfortably over the line, and he knew it. Didn't even have to
campaign, really. And in even more pleasing developments in the
Miracle of Democracy, one of the most respected statesmen in the
world, Nobel laureate
Ramos-Horta, has been elected to another shot at the
presidency of East Timor after "the most peaceful election
campaign I have ever seen". A fine man with a firm handshake, José returns as a national hero and
shining embodiment of the War of Independence at a crucial
moment in East Timor's history, two decades on. All power to
his oars.
Another diplomatic
blunder in the South Pacific comes as absolutely no surprise to
anyone. I've been banging on for decades about how the Island
people have been so shabbily treated by Australia for nigh on
two centuries...for fark's sake, the freakin' broken record
hasn't been changed for ages! Never mind that it shits me to
tears. In the geo-politics of the thing, ScoMo has probably not
made a close study of Guadalcanal as the "choke point" of the
Pacific, but some terrible business went on there back in '42;
very bad things happened when two great powers went head-to-head
and toe-to-toe over it. The geography hasn't changed much. No
need to look further than that to see why China really likes it
as an ally. Nobody said anything about the cash. Still, you have
to remember they burnt down Chinatown in Honiara not once, but
twice - our Feds were in there only the other day to sort things
out on the who the hell knows what's going on in
internal Solomon Islands politics? It may just be a gambit to
shore up the position of the current PM, and things could quite
quickly go tits up if & when they hold elections there
again, so for the Chinese, it's choose your friends wisely, Mr
Ping. Still, in the grand scheme of things - even with a
grinding hugely disruptive War in Europe - there are no votes in
Foreign Policy. Not when yr struggling to pay the next bill as
the price of everything goes up.
There's no votes in
sexuality either, despite the farcical brouhaha surrounding the
godawful endorsed Liberal candidate for Warringah, Katherine
Deves, who is the epitome of the quality of ScoMo's "Captain's
Picks". Kooky views on just about everything splashed all over
the internet thingy with an evangelical zeal. The fortunes or
otherwise of the transexual community is not front of mind among
the habitue's of the front bars and RSL clubs or those on the
factory floor. I mean really, it's not as if all gender fluid
people want to be football stars, do they? By and large, they
just want to be left alone to get on with their lives, don't
they, and that's it? Any other party would have disendorsed
Deves as a disgrace - a morally bankrupt stooge - but it won't
happen as it would require ScoMo admitting a mistake, and it
doesn't matter anyway. The poisoned chalice is a personal gift
of the PM, Katherine. Remember these are the very people who
elected the Mad Monk Tony Abbott to Parliament time and time
again for decades, only to be eventually embarrassed into
electing a former snow ski star, Ol' Steggers, on an independent
platform - which apart from some environmental mumbo jumbo - is
still thoroughly conservative. Unlike some members of the
Coalition with a conscience, Steggers has never once crossed the
floor and voted against the Government on any issue, as far as I
know. In the unlikely event of a hung Parliament, you can be as
sure as hell she won't be throwing her ring in the hat and chuck
her support behind Albo. And that's all that matters in the
final paralysis. Labor has never won Warringah since its
inception in 1922, and they've been writing it off ever since.
Nothing will change this time.
The first of the Great
Debates slipped by without anyone noticing, as it was mercifully
hidden behind a pay wall. Woot! Oh, how we all pine for the free
wheeling good old days of "the worm". All you heard about it
was the barking of the commentariat, who gave it to DJ Albo on a
split points decision. Can we have the score cards in, ladies
and gentlemen, please? Unsurprisingly, no one was rushing over
to YouTube to watch the thing on replay the next day for free,
as the result - and the first rule of debating is that there
must always be a winner and a loser - was already known:
Pinko's 1, Hard Right Evangelicals 0. Perhaps the high point was
when ScoMo thanked the Good Lord Jesus that he didn't have any
spastics in the family. Choice one, Scotty. A first class
example of Christian empathy, right there. Perhaps he was
banking on the fact that there's no votes in the NDIS either,
given that the Pentacostalists blithely ignore the turning over
of the money changers tables in the temple (Matthew 21:12 etc)
and deeply believe that wealth, continuous financial success and
good health are a God given blessing. It's a blessing, mate, got
that straight? No surprises here, move along.
And then Albo goes and gets the Covid. Seems he got a bit lazy about mixing with small children, their parents and kelpie pups at The Royal Easter Show. Social distancing is a touch difficult on the hustings unless yr wearing a space suit with funny arms. A pity really, as he'll have to make the call to his attack dogs early. But it'll give the Leader of the Opposition a bit of space to put his thinking cap on and dream up how he's going to whip up the vote, and beat those bastards home.
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