Friday, 17 June 2022

Reffo's for Rwanda!™


There's been a bunch of newsprint rolled out on DJ Trump!'s current difficulties viz-a-viz the Miracle of Democracy. Exposed with no clothes as he is in Congress is bad enough, but the long arm of the law is also looking on with more than a passing interest, so here's a pretty naff (but to the point) interpretation of the brou-ha-ha currently being played out in a nation without hope:

meantime, back in the real USA...only in Louisiana...did I say without hope? Seen in
Baton Rouge ...


If that's not enough, I note Big Bad Bonking Bozo Boris has taken a leaf straight out the Strayan Tory's playbook with the "unfair" and "unlawful" Reffo's for Rwanda! bandwagon. What a smashing idea. And this from the chief protagonist of © Partygate...

Seen in Didcot, Oxfordshire.




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