Monday, 17 April 2017

a squatters paradise

Real Estate Sharks,

When I went to my eldest daughter's new rented gaff that looks like a '60's beach house on stilts planted on the Petersham/Marrickville border for dinner last Thursday night and wanted to watch the rugby league on her boyfriend's enormous HD TV set, she didn't even know how to switch it on to free-to-air television.
Ah, the yoof of today.
So she wouldn't have been watching Channel Two last night.
So I've sent both the kiddies a very old fashioned thing that's going to go the way of the world in the near future - an e-mail - to alert them:

Don't suppose you saw Four Corners last night on the trials and tribulations of millenials trying to buy capital city real estate?
Have a lookie on ABC iview and you'll see why your generation is so pissed off - it now takes 12.6 times the annual average wage to buy a very ordinary house in Greater Sydney, if you want to buy where you guys choose to live - forget it.
And you are being forced out of the market by investors taking out 100% bank loans in a Ponzi scheme that's entirely based on "a rare gift from the Govt" - negative gearing.
Nothing is going to change in tonight's budget.
No wonder there are 60,000 vacant houses in Sydney, let alone apartments - it's a squatters paradise out there.
Blame the greedy baby boomers - not me - I'm an [or was] ordinary worker, who just got very lucky indeed to own 440 sq metres of Sydney dirt.

(Originally published 03-05-16)

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