Monday 17 April 2017

"medicinal" cannabis and the Law - we are coming to get all your stuff

Midnight tokers

While we are on the "medicinal" cannabis issue, NSW is way off the pace compared to Victoria.

But, who would have thought "Australia is the only country that can grow every type of variety under the sun", according to some world leading agronomist who prefers not to be named, but is close to the negotiations.
And "a type or variety that you can find extremely effective for you mightn't be so effective for me".
I suppose he's referring to the gold standard - Afghan black - or perhaps the finest hasheesh from Lebanon's Beeka Valley, Morrocan kif, maybe, or the super-skunk from Holland, the Green Dream, the Sledge Hammer, the Brain Imploder, or just the "No-Toke Dope", the stuff that you keep in the cupboard and get high on, just knowing that it's there.
Everyone knows what they like.
Gentlemen, I can see a free-for-all coming on here.
We know where you are, and we are coming to get your stuff.
Tamworth, look out!
"High fencing, security cameras and individual plant labelling" is just an open invitation to theives with good ladders, magnifying glasses, and paper bags over their heads to come along and loot your crop, variety by variety.
Happy days.

(Originally published 09-05-16)

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