Saturday 29 April 2017

"choad-like qualities"

Amid the fear and loathing here in The Colonies, it's so easy to forget the fear and loathing on steroids going on back in the Heart of The Empire.
Did note that UKIP leader Nigel Farage has quit as leader of his party after saying he had achieved all his political ambitions with Brexit.
From the pre-Brexit edition of Popbitch ©

>> Choad in the poll << A lil' bump and grinder There have been accusations from both sides of the EU debate that the media has been giving a deliberately distorted portrayal of the facts involved. We are arguably as guilty of this as anyone, for we have repeatedly drawn your attention to a story about Nigel Farage's penis. We heard from a journalist who caught a glimpse of it at a urinal and described it as possessing "choad-like qualities". However, we have since heard from a woman who has first- hand experience of the penis in question, and we're told that it actually more closely resembles a pepper grinder. We apologise unreservedly to anyone who feels misled by our previous reports.

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