Saturday, 29 April 2017

rock solid pinko

We were re-distributed into Barton...where the first black woman to be elected to the Fed Parl romped home -- destroying the Libs sitting member Nickolas Varvaris - who quickly became known in this household as Neville Fucking Bartos.
We've been voting for Linda Burney for years - a long time member of State Parl for Canterbury.
Here's the primary votes in the booth we voted at at Canterbury South -- rock solid pinko:

BURNEY, Linda Labor 959 54.83 +0.95
HEBER, Brent The Greens 185 10.58 +1.34
SUSILO, Sonny Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) 61 3.49 +2.10
TORKEL, Rasmus Independent 35 2.00 +2.00
TSOUKALAS, Harry Online Direct Democracy - (Empowering the People!) 16 0.91 +0.91
VARVARIS, Nickolas Liberal 493 28.19 -3.96
Formal 1,749 91.86 +5.25
Informal 155 8.14 -5.25

(originally published 07-07-16)

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