Monday, 24 April 2017



Must confess that I hadn't taken much notice of the new anxiety medication Brexit, until I saw a headline in one of the business fishwraps quoting some finance boffin barking "SELL EVERYTHING BY THURSDAY!"
[Which of course begs the question: sell what to whom?]
So, I thought I'd see what was going on down at the bookies, and according to the odds' makers, it's a fait accompli.
STAY: $1.26
GO: $4.00
So, it seems our Britarse cousins will still be gobbling French cheese by the pound, and guzzling Champagne by the imperial bucketful.
Whatever happens though, it's patently clear - that after centuries of good form - the Poms are still determined to ruin it for everyone.

(originally published 23-06-16)

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