Monday, 24 April 2017

the Informal Why Bother Party


As the Miracle of Democracy grinds on relentlessly, I was just having a cursory glance at the election results for last time in some seats around about my gaff, when something struck me - I'm entirely sure I'm not the first to notice.

BARTON. Enrolled voters 98,663. Turn-out: 92.18%. Informal votes:12.04%.
GRAYNDLER. Enrolled voters 104,808. Turn-out: 91.32%. Informal votes: 7.00%.
WATSON. Enrolled voters 101,285. Turn-out: 90.68%. Informal votes: 13.95%

Now, I didn't get an F in high school mathematics for nothing, but by my crude calculations, that's about 20%, give or take a few, of the enrolled voters who can't be bothered turning up on the day or don't do anything with their vote.
It's a compulsory voting system, and still that's nearly enough to get elected on preferences!
Politicians should be trampling over each other for a bit of that action.
Soon enough, someone will dream up the Informal Why Bother Party, run it up the flag pole, and see how it flies.

(originally published 22-06-16)

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