Monday 24 April 2017

the "sniff test"?

Make of this what you will...but apart from the obvious first question..."don't know" wins hands down everytime:

From the press release:

"That’s the latest poll from Essential Media Communications which, besides asking more mundane questions like which party people are planning to vote for and who they’d prefer as Prime Minister, has gone off on a jag and quizzed more than 1,000 people on a bunch of things no one has ever, ever thought about or would want to know."

"EMC director Peter Lewis describes the new set of questions as a “Leadership Sniff Test” — a phrase which, besides invoking the delightful mental image of voters picking a new Prime Minister by gently smelling the candidates, kind of explains what they’re driving at by asking people which major political figure they’d rather help them with their laundry. By making people imagine Bill Shorten carrying the groceries or Malcolm Turnbull changing the gas bottle on the barbecue, they’re trying to see which guy voters find more relatable."

(originally published 01-06-16)

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