Monday, 24 April 2017

the Substance Abuse Minister

Midnight tokers,

Back in the day when Dr Andrew Refshauge MB, BS was the Labor Health Minister in NSW, he'd always describe himself off-the-record to us journo's as "the Minister for The Sick".
The Ministry, he said, had very little to do with the "healthy".
Who knew then, that 20 years later, South Australia has a Substance Abuse Minister?
So, that, by Andrew's logic, must make Leesa Vlahos "the Minister for The Stoned".

She must cover a lot of ground, as she's also "the Minister for the Crippled and the Mad".
Wonder if she's also having a crack at "smoker hatred", or does she leave that to the Racism Minister?
It's got me beat.

(originally published 31-05-16)

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