Thursday 18 May 2017

a hair in the dessert

News gobblers and sad old journo's yearning for the glory days,

"hair was in the dessert"
If yr stupid enough to part with half a grand to sit on a public beach with 3,000 other people in the hope of getting something, then good luck to you:

Also intrigued how "journalists" nowadays resort to "social media" to get their "quotes"...there are no actual quotes in this story at all.
Obviously the comments are deemed "on the record" as they're already in the public domain!
The "editor" didn't think of sending a "reporter" out there to ask some old fashioned questions to find out what was really going on - how novel would that be?
Oh no...that'd be too hard...when all you have to do is look up Instagram.
Back in the day, I'd be in there demanding to be told "where's Mangan? Is he here? If not, what's his number? I need to ask him a few questions. I am the press. I'm entitled".
Christ, no-one even bothered to pick up a telephone and give him a ring.
"People are saying it's a cluster-fuck on the sand, is that true? any reasons for that, Luke?"
"Did anyone at all have a good night?"
If yr crucified on "social media", that's that, no comeback.
Truth, libel, be buggered.
I could go on, but won't.
None the wiser about anything, really, as usual.

(originally published 13-03-17)

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