Wednesday 10 May 2017

ask Buzz Aldrin - he'll tell you


At some point during the tally room count when it looked like they were all goin' down to Trumpsville in a hand basket, I'm sure I heard someone say "you won't believe it, but the Canadian Immigration Department's website has crashed!"
No idea if it was TRUE, a hoax or not - ask Buzz Aldrin - he'll tell you:

When you drill down into the numbers of the Miracle of Democracy [which is not that hard in a first-past-the-post two-horse race], it's patently clear, at last count, that Crooked Hillary won the popular vote, albiet narrowly, 60,212,217 votes to 59,875,788 votes, but The Donald absolutely thumped her in the Electoral College 279 votes to 228, and the counting aint over yet.
Turn-out was at about 55.6% - right up the Grand Old Party's alley - the lowest turn-out in 12 years: give or take a few, roughly 103 million Americans who were entitled to vote, didn't.
Wanted no part of it.
There's your silent majority [almost] - right there.
But there is no end to the number of spanners being thrown in the works.
Folks underestimated the Trumpotus getting a cut-throat gang of Trumpoglodytes around him to assiduously work the numbers, all the time saying it was rigged against him, as cover.
The man might be as dumb-as-fuck, but he's not stupid.
Remember reading a long interview some American journo did a while back with that Great and Glorious Soviet Hero, Vladimir Putin, who asked him why he wasn't a major league fan of the democratic process.
Honest Donald's mate Vlad just replied "The Electoral College! Phhfff! You call that democratic?"

(originally published 11-11-16)

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