Wednesday 10 May 2017

vote early, vote often

Never mind that DJ Trump! has very finely rorted the Electoral College and will be the new POTUS, tomorrow, it will be farkin' hot and pissing down all day and yep, that's right - we gotta the Canterbury state by-election.
Remarkably, the railings on Beamo St around the Campsie railway station are chock full of campaign posters for the ALP and the Christian Democratic Party [Fred Nile Group] - the Greens haven't bothered to put anything up, and there's no Liberal candidate standing, of course.
So, the Electoral Commission decided to get in on the act and has put up posters that say in big black & white block letters: DON'T RISK A FINE -- VOTE ON SATURDAY.
OK OK...we get the message; vote early, vote often.
Then we have to dump a shit-load of e-waste in CanBan Council's lap, amid thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening...
[The newly merged Canterbury and Bankstown City Council's - currently run by an un-elected Despot appointed by Baird Bastardo and called an Adminstrator - is running a competition to re-name the ruling body to more positively reflect the diversity of the outer edge of the Inner West close to Sydney's armpit...I've put my entry in...suggesting the local legislative authority should adpot a new corporate slogan "CANBAN COUNCIL - IF WE CAN BAN IT, WE WILL!" Top chance of winning the $5,000 first prize, for mine].

(originally published 11-11-16)

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