Saturday 13 May 2017

executive orders


It's going to get VERY VERY BORING if the camera's are allowed in to film the POTUS sign every Executive Order he makes - starting with one do to with something no-one in the States, and probably the whole world, has ever heard of.

Obama knocked out 277 numbered Executive Orders in his time.
That's in eight years.
The Donald is going to get very cranky indeed when everyone, including his best mates in the press, just start ignoring him completely.
He MUST be seen to be doing SOMETHING on the telly EVERYDAY.
When that stops happening, and it'll only take a couple of weels, look out for some top-shelf stewing in his own juices.
He'll start throwing Ming Dynasty vases around his flat in the gilded Tower of Babble.
Obama could go AWOL for weeks at a time without so much as a tweet, and no-one thought it unusual.
Welcome to the US Presidency, DJ, where "nothing happens" - in a hurry.

(originally published 24-10-17)

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