Saturday 13 May 2017

we got The Bomb

Drinkers For Disarmament,

The Donald does not approve of how much Washington is spending on putting together a new Air Force's north of $US4BILLION.
Just wait until The Trumpotus gets a load of the stupendous cost of THE BOMB.
Two words - Nuclear Farking Weapons - don't come cheap.
Just ask Her Majesty's Royal Navy.
£17M alone just to get the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile air-borne, and that's without even any thermonuclear bomba thingy's hanging off the pointy end.
Then it does a wild and crazy flippin' spooked out spastic moon walk, and the bloke with the c.1977 hand-held control console doesn't have the slightest clue what's goin'.

Don't know about you, but that scares the almighty poop-shit right outta me.
Bugger climate change - there goes the planet - right there.


PS. A rather spectacular Trident fail-at-launch back in the day:

(originally published 23/01/17)

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