Friday 12 May 2017

here we go again

Here we go again.

Wowsers on the tail of Midnight Tokers.
What's new?
Shock! Horror! All of a sudden, without warning, spectacular projectile vomiting breaks out en-masse all over US states that have just legalised pot.
The law change happened yesterday, and yet it's only "long-term heavy-users" who are debilitated by this wicked, shameful, filthy disease.
By that account, old stoners should have been spraying hospital emergency departments with vile spew for many decades, and yet it's only happening now?
How very strange indeed.
I've been a chronic "user" of L'herbe superbe for 40 years, and the only things that have ever made me chunder are an off oyster, too many tequila slammers, or a gutful of goon.
But I do love the "cure" - take a long hot bath, son, and she'll be
I'm getting in the tub right now just in case I am struck down by The Lord with the ol' pukey up-chuck syndrome, in vengeance for my sins.
Spare me.

(originally published 6-1-17)

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