Friday 12 May 2017

Bairdsey - stabbed in the back by his own


Was roused from my T20 cricket hangover, only to be told by a joyous Good Lady Wife that M.Baird had announced he'd been "pushed" on "social media".
Joy to the world, or NSW at least.
Forgive me for gloating, but did I not say on the day the dude unilaterally banned the dogs, claiming the poor pooches had lost their "social licence", that that would be the end of him?
Mikey would have to do a triple backflip, with twist and pike on that one, and his position would become untenable?
The Country Party rump was never going to cop it.
The Orange by-election debacle was the icing on the political death cake.
You just can't go around interfering with folks' perfectly fundamental and legal right to go about farming-the-land-to-fuck, fishin' out the big ones, shootin' wild animals, and punting on the greyhounds.
It's not on.
In the denouement, Bairdsey was the one who lost his "social licence" and all his political capital, to boot.
Simple as that.
The silly lock-out law nonsense was just a sideshow - a first world hipster problem.
And sensibly, the workers kept right out of it, knowing full well that he'd be stabbed in the back by his own, Caeser-style.
The lasting legacy of the man who wanted to build everything, at tremendous taxpayer expense, will be the tram line to no-where, the gigantic WestConnex cock-up, and the vast number of apartment blocks that will become slums or lie half-built and abandonded as the tumble-weeds blow along the Sydenham-Bankstown Development Corridor in the years to come, forever changing the face of the beloved Emerald City.
Thanks for that, Mike.
On the upside, one less fascist to deal with.
The Miracle of Democracy strikes again.

PS. Wonder if Mike knows where Fatty's bottle of Grange is?

(originally published 19-01-17)

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