Thursday 11 May 2017

Hollande - gorn - but not forgotten


Oh no!
That 'disaster' Hollande has decided not to run for President de le Grande République again.

A "tough, mature, serious choice".
Five years was more than enough.
Doesn't want to see the "Socialists scatter" - too late, mate - the famed French Left is already broken into shards.
French Socialism is dead - has been for a while...
Vale, you Pinko in name only.
Bet ya Hollande will miss the "working lunch on Monday at the Elysee Palace", not.
At three years older than me, damn sure he's set up his retirement very nicely indeed - the pension for former French Presidents is rather tasty at a tax free €17,500 a month [!], plus a "fully furnished and equipped" apartment [read "love nest"] in Paris paid for by the state, an office with seven staff, a nice motor with two chauffeurs, two gendarme for security, free business-class travel anywhere in the world on Air France plus endless rides on the French bullet trains, just for fun.
It'll be Fillon v Le Pen in the May run-off election, with Macron looming as the dark horse.
My money is on Fillon, with Macron the next time round - Maccas was born to be President, and he knows it.

(originally published 2-12-16)

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