Sunday, 21 May 2017

my mate Macron - Vive la france!


The Miracle of Democracy.
My bookie has paid out.
E.Macron salutes in a landslide.
You bewdy.
I did like the quote I heard on election day from someone who was described as a "spritely pensioner" who had always voted conservative as she was going into a pollling station.
The rough translation was "I will hold my nose as I vote for Macron. Le Pen? Phhff! She carries her father's baggage".
Pretty much sums it up.
Also note that the French don't muck about - the new President must take office within seven days of the Constitutional Council officially announcing the result on Wednesday...there's no hoo-ha...all it takes is a visit to the Hôtel de Ville in Paris and a quick farewell handshake from the outgoing Pres. Hollande, and yr in.
The Monday following the election is a public holiday in France, with good reason...[it's VE Day], as everyone has hangovers.
With 90% of the vote counted, this is perhaps the most clear cut electoral map of France in living memory.

The left simply used its huge voting bloc to great effect, Le Pen was just too far out there for the Conservatives, and so Macron had all the vast swathe of farmlands from the west through the centre to the massif central and up into the Alps nailed down flat, as well as Brittany and Normandie, an almost clean sweep of the south, and all along the Loire.
Le Pen's only real solid support came from the enormous rustbelt in the north and north east, and small patches along the Mediterranean.
I've always marvelled that the hard-right rentiers who've got property on the Côte d'Azure are surrounded by hills behind them that are absolutely infested with Commo's.
Such is France.
En marche!
Vive la france!

(originally published 08-07-17)

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