Friday 12 May 2017

nothing will happen


Trust y'all be up at Sparrow's Fart to make a cup of tea, switch the telly on, and watch tomorrow's 4am US Presidential Inauguaration of Donald J. Trump - who goes from shonky property developer to reality TV star to PEOTUS to POTUS in one fell swoop.
Welcome to the Brave New World!
Yr gonna love it.
Trust me on this one.
The only certainty about becoming President of the United States is that, one day, you will either die in office, or become a former President of the United States - just ask my mate Obes.
According to Barack H. Obama, one of the hallmark's of American democracy is the "peaceful and effective transition of power", with the emphasis on the word power.
And so it is.
For one day in every four years, there's no fighting or squabbling; that comes later.
Stumbled on a salient quote mid-week about the last US President to be elected, without before-hand being elected to any other Government post, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower back in '53.
The outgoing President Harry S. Truman is reported to have said:

"He'll sit here, and he'll say, 'Do this! Do that!', and nothing will happen. Poor Ike - it won't be a bit like the Army. He'll find it very frustrating."

Everything old is new again.
Hang on for the ride.

(originally published 20-01-17)

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