Sunday 14 May 2017

sultana nuts


After three weeks - finally worked it out.
It's the hair, stoopid!
The Donald's Doctor [has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?] Harold Bornstein [he's great], has confirmed that the POTUS is taking, as prescribed, the drug finasteride for his Wild & Crazy Wacky Hair Problem and the attendant Best Comb-Over in The Known World.
It's true.
Wow, this is some seriously weird shit, man:

"In the 19 years since Propecia was approved to treat hair loss from male pattern baldness, side effects have been so concerning that the term post-finasteride syndrome (PFS) has been coined and hundreds of lawsuits have been brought. In addition to its sexual side effects, the drug's effects on cognition, mood and mental states have been documented in the scientific literature.
A 2013 study in Journal of Sexual Medicine noted "changes related to the urogenital system in terms of semen quality and decreased ejaculate volume, reduction in penis size, penile curvature or reduced sensation, fewer spontaneous erections, decreased testicular size, testicular pain, and prostatitis." Many subjects also noted a "disconnection between the mental and physical aspects of sexual function," and changes in mental abilities, sleeping patterns, and/or depressive symptoms.
A 2014 study in the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology finds that "altered levels of neuroactive steroids, associated with depression symptoms, are present in androgenic alopecia patients even after discontinuation of the finasteride treatment." In 2010, depression was added to labels as a side effect. In 2011, a woman told CBS news she blamed her 22-year-old son's suicide on Propecia and Men's Journal ran a report called "The (Not So Hard) Truth About Hair Loss Drugs."

The Donald don't drink, don't smoke, but who knows what else he's on, coming at him in spades from Big Pharma?
And, with his capacity for a tremendous amount of work with the Presidential fountain pen and the Oval Office telephone at age 70, surely he's also on Colombian Marching Powder just to keep up, or maybe genuine American-made Crystal Meth would be more patriotic, beautiful isn't it?

The Good Burghers of the US of A can always be relied upon to produce fabulous protest banners.
Democracy = Dissent...the Donald may have mislaid his memory of the first ten amendments to the Constitution and all that.
This is my fave from early on when DJ Trump!! signed one of his many totally ineffective Executive Orders, now commonly known as the "Immigration Ban".
Do like the use of the words "they" and "we":

(originally published 10-02-17)

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