Sunday 14 May 2017

the rampant graft, greed and corruption going down along the Canterbury Rd


If the provincials call Paris "Crazy Town"; what about Sydney?
Harrison's sold that site just up the dirt track from Camp Campsie for $14M two years ago, last September it was sold again for $49.5M.
Fuck my brown dog, Harold!!!
A handy flip indeed.
The whole long convoluted story on the rampant graft, greed and corruption going down along the Canterbury Rd is here:

But this is the nub of thing:

Administrator Richard Colley, who took control of the newly merged Canterbury-Bankstown council in May, has since called a halt to development proposals along the corridor until a comprehensive review is completed.

"One of the first things that I came across following the amalgamation was what I saw as the ad hoc development on Canterbury Road, most of it non-compliant with the former Canterbury Council's residential development strategy, particularly in terms of height and bulk and size, and the effect on Canterbury Road itself," he said.

Despite this, former general manager Jim Montague is adamant the former council was well-functioning on his watch: "That council was well managed, it was in very good financial shape, our planning controls were very strong indeed.

Ultimately, the former council's reputation may fall victim to the Independent Commission Against Corruption, whose officers raided council buildings in June 2016. It is not known what the commission has uncovered, if anything.

What is certain is the council's legacy will soon be visible to ratepayers each time they drive along Canterbury Road."

What about "now"!?
And still, the people have no democratic representation, thanks to that Bad Hombre Baird.
C'mon Glad, gissa go, ya Tory turkey bastard!

(originally published 11-02-17)

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