Friday, 7 July 2017

it's official - baby boomers and old hippies completely off their chops

Common or Garden Pot-Bellied Piss-Suckers,

Even though it should have been declared lost a long time ago, the 'war on drugs' becomes increasingly futile as the population ages, and the income gap between rich and poor widens.
But how do you declare Peace?
There was a big cocaine bust in Melbourne the other day, and the words falling from the lips of senior fed cops were arresting.
They were saying that because the stuff is illegal it's their problem, but people should wake up to themselves that they are being ripped off blind, with Australians paying some of the highest prices in the world for illicit snakey substances.
[It's well known that in salaries of $100K+, a "Sydney premium" is added to cover the ridiculous cost of rent/real estate and cocaine].
Have you seen the cost of a gram of coke lately?

The cops said we should change our wicked ways forthwith, because we're obviously being targeted by some pretty nasty folk who can see a very sweet dollar in it.
Even Blind Freddy can see there's an 8,500% mark-up to be had there, even if you bought the gear at the source retail - at wholesale, the sky's the limit for the crims.
The cops also pointed to the fact that Australia, per capita, is the biggest illicit drug consumer in the world, and that we should get a grip and put a stop to that.
Is that right?
The entire world, the total planet?

[just by-the-by...the "ice epidemic/scourge/crisis/disaster" of course is a myth; super-speed being only the fourth drug responsible for ambulance call outs, behind booze, valium, and panadol, for fuck's sake. Smack has dropped off the map, because you can get all the opioids you like at the chemist shop].
The police more or less admitted they are out of their depth against the cocaine cartels; these people are ruthless and very clever - they have lawyers, guns, and money...and drones.
And yesterday, the Feds were not at all surprised to turn up $A1.6M in cash in a cheap suitcase while turning over a warehouse in Wetherill Park, as they were looking for something else:

Oops, no lines taken off the streets there.
Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place big time, and they know it.

In the meantime, while the conservative Yoof of Today are seemingly eschewing the pleasures of fine vintage red wine and fruity lexia goon, and declining to stick the cone in the boiling billy as much as they should be, spoiling the business model, us baby boomers and old hippies are choofing our heads off something stupid on the weed, and getting as pissed as, on a rather regular basis.
We lost interest in Temperance/Prohibition way back in the day.

"When we think about who experiences harm caused by alcohol, most people think about young people. However, Australian data show the rate of risky drinking among young people has been decreasing, while risky drinking among older adults has been increasing. The consumption of cannabis shows a similar trend."

Why does this not surprise?
No-one will thank my generation in the little history books, so we might as well forget all about it, leave it to our children, and just get completely off our tits; we're cashed up and we're entitled.
I've been saying for years now there will be big money to be made in the retirement villages and nursing homes of the future that offer hot tubs, an on-site bong room decorated with Bob Marley posters, and a fully stocked bar complete with quality top shelf.
Anyone know any venture capitalists?

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