Wednesday, 28 June 2017

the French goat vote


Well, well, well, at long last, the final definitive results are in.
President E.Macron of France has achieved a very tidy majority in the Chamber of Deputies, picking up 350 seats in the 577 seat Parliament.
It would have been even higher if not for the turn out in la 2er tour being at a record low [almost 58% of eligible voters couldn't be bothered with it] with the French being sick to death of the Miracle of Democracy after voting for seemingly months on end, which allowed all sorts of rabble-rousers and fruitcakes to come out of the woodwork.
They've got their man, and now Macron has a rubber stamp National Assembly to do with which whatever he pleases.
His principal aim of utterly destroying M.Le Pen worked a treat, with Front National coming last among the six main political groupings and getting only a minuscule eight seats [you need 15 to be officially recognised as a "party" and be eligible for extra funding].
That ol' root-rat and former Pres. F.Hollande obviously left a pox on the House of Socialism; the Pinko voters largely fled to Macron, although J-L.Mélenchon's communists managed to win 17 seats.
Here's the last map from the ever helpful French Interior Ministry...another poor fractured atlas...but it gives you an idea of the extraordinary sweep Macron has made of the countryside.
But, you have to like the tiny corner in the north near the border with Belgium where one constituency is crazed far-right, while the one next door is solid Commo.
And in Paris, one deeply Conservative patch somewhere up there in the 18th & 19th arr. is completely surrounded by rabid Reds.
How does that work?
How do they get on?
[note: click on image to enlarge]

In the lead up to the second round of the Parliamentary election, many pundits thought that punters would vote for a "donkey, goat or hippopotamus" if she/he/it/they were standing as a candidate for La République En Marche!

And so it turned out.
It is excellent to see a record number [223] of women elected to the French Parliament from all sides, many of them only in their 20''s the youngest...24 year old Typhanie Degois - the benjamine-elect [baby] of the Assembly - who is a fully paid up En Marche! member and will represent all the grumbling residents of Savoie there in the Alps next to Switzerland.
She's popular for the time being with the local papers, by all reports.

And Macron also had plenty of left-field candidates in the mix, including this MP-elect, "maths whizz" Cedric Villani - who at 43 is four years older than the President - and will represent the down-trodden folk of Essonne just to the south of Paris.
It's either a "what were they thinking?" moment, or that must be where all the wild & crazy dudes hang out, right?

Imagine him comin' at ya down the corridors of the Halls of Power?
With his get-up and credentials as a mathematician par excellence, he'd be the ideal candidate for the En Marche! party Chief Whip on the floor of the Assembly [not that Macron needs one with his majority!]
In the final paralysis, wiser heads have prevailed.
Go you good things.

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